logo XRSearch shaped like an astronaut reading a book


The search engine that the Metaverse deserves


The immersive web of today is part of the Metaverse of tomorrow.


Make the immersive web more accessible and easily explorable.


To become the main search engine of the Metaverse.

Summary of the project

XRSearch is a search engine designed for immersive headsets like Meta, Pico or PCVR.
It makes it easy to find places and experiences and still have a better, richer internet searching experience. All this while keeping privacy in mind and encouraging a more open ecosystem.

About the team

I am Arthur Mougin,

French Project leader of the Immersive search engine.

Developer passionate about free and accessible technologies.

Creator of the French WebXR community on discord.

The history of XRSearch

In 2018, WebXR, the evolution of WebVR goes public. We can finally create 3D websites for all existing immersive headsets. Creators are setting up the first creators set up the first VR experiences on autonomous headsets.

Problem :

Neither Google nor Bing could do justice to these creations, because they are unsuitable for VR browsers and unable to understand and distribute their content.

At that time, I decided to address these issues: facilitate the discovery and consumption of immersive experiences on the web.

To achieve this goal, I trained in XR development before joining the LMT incubator to ensure my project launch. In the same time, I created a platform to gather the French-speaking WebXR community.

What's next?

This is a major project and I am looking for partners. If you are interested, let's talk as soon as possible!

A private beta phase is also coming up, fundraising and soo much more. If you want to follow news about XRSearch, then I invite you to subscribe to the mailing list!


Why a new search engine?

Because the immersive web is different from all other existing platforms.
For the first time, we are no longer restricted to the frame of a screen. In the end, those who limit themselves to a window in XR leave the user experience on the table. This is even more the case when the browser present the mobile version of a site, for readability constraints.

What would XRSearch do better than the others besides providing a better experience ?

In addition to offering a better experience in XR, XRSearch proposes to index the Metaverse.
Google and Bing can only understand the flat structure of web pages and not what is happening in virtual space. XRSearch aims to change that with a set of advanced solutions.

Immersion, like in a book or a movie?

A narrative immersion is like listening to a game on the radio or watching it on television. radio or watching it on television. But the kind of immersion VR is capable of means being in the front row, from anywhere in the world and without the cost of travel.


XR is a catch-all term that includes:

  • VR, or virtual reality which involves immersing the user and their body in a completely digital space.
  • AR, or augmented reality, which consists in adding visual and digital elements elements to the real space.
  • MR, or mixed reality which is a mixture of the two previous ones.

UX is short for User eXperience. This field includes everything related to the ease of use of a product by a maximum a maximum of users.